unlock your potential at summer camp

When we think of summer camp, we recall it to be a time of forging friendships, arts & crafts and creating your own path in a new environment. For many of us, it was our first time being away from day to day familiarities and getting outside our comfort zones.

And while we were taking big steps that could have seemed scary, because we were able to get out of our heads and into our bodies through fun-filled activities, the act of doing so seemed less daunting.

trailblaze your own path to success

With WOW Summer Camp we want to cultivate a similar environment for creative leaders to learn! We invite you, our campers, to blaze your own trail through a day of campfire roundtables, movement & mindset activities and discussions led by our camp counselors that are designed to ignite your creative flame!

This one day conference is perfect for community leaders and entrepreneurs looking to connect with a troop of like minded women, craft new ideas and mindsets for growth and create a unique path for success.

ready to ignite your inner leader?

Join our troop and see what Summer Camp has in store for you!

  • Izzy Nally

    Morning Meditation & Yoga Movement

  • Chloe Devin

    Guided Meditation

  • Betty Jeune

    Improving Through Imposter Syndrome

  • Megan Smith

    Megan is Owner of Endless Summer Paddle

    Campfire Captures: Phoneography for Endless Memories

  • Maizie

    How to Create A Workshop From Your Creative Skillset

  • Madison Fields

    Owner of Mad Kind Design

    Adding A Dash of Your Brand to All Customer Touchpoints


  • Jen Hartmann

    Understanding PR and Campaign Marketing

  • Deirdre Barnes

    Owner of Fly Girl Candles

    Profitable Product Pricing Strategy

  • Tracey Spann

    Business Funding

  • Cherena

    Building Community (Co-Campfire Chat with Keionna!)

  • Keionna

    Building Community (Co-Campfire Chat with Cherena!)

  • Kaitlin Keane

    Utilizing Event and Social Media to Nurture Your Community

your summer camp itinerary


Wednesday, June 26th 2024
6:00-9:00 PM @ TEN20 Brewery Butchertown


Thursday, June 27th 2024
8:30 AM - 6:30 PM @ TEN20 Brewery Butchertown

-Wake up with some coffee + breakfast
-Campfire chats with various women who are experts in their fields
-Enjoy lunch with your fellow campers!
-Choose your own path throughout the day
-Craft, collect, connect, and create!

Meet Amanda Dare, the leader behind WOW

say hello to your camp director!

Hi Campers! Amanda Dare Here!

I have attended multiple business conferences where we sat in a sterile environment with lectures through the entire day with no breaks.

As a creative with ADD tendencies and diabetes, I need time to process new information.

I needed movement, flexibility in my schedule, and creative crafting breaks!

So... WOW Summer Camp was born!

Tell me more

All the reasons you should attend

campfire conversations + creative sparks

Connection comes when we are in community with our sisterhood. We can allow our walls to come down and open our hearts at summer camp. Sisterhood is baked into each of our experiences at WOW, summer camp is no different!

At WOW summer camp you have the flexibility to blaze your own trail through a number of campfire sessions focused around guided meditation, abundance yoga, product profitability, funding your business future, PR and marketing, walking through nature, building community on and off of social media.

After each campfire session, you will be awarded a patch for your water bottle to commemorate your time at camp.

Let's spark some ideas!

your camper gear is ready

this year's sponsors